Bennett Brook Railway

Bennett Brook Railway
Type Tourist railway
Status Operating as a tourist railway
Locale Whiteman, Western Australia
Stations Whiteman Village Junction, Mussel Pool, Kangaroo Flats, Zamia (Formerly Maine)
Opened 1984
Operator(s) West Australian Light Rail Preservation Association (WALRPA)
Line length Approx 6 kilometres (3.7 mi)
Track gauge Narrow Gauge 610mm (2ft)
Operating speed 20 km/h
Bennett Brook Railway Map
Mussel Pool
Railway Yard & Workshops
Pedestrian Path
Bennett Brook
Whiteman Drive West
Park Management Track
Whiteman Village Junction
Pedestrian Path
Park Management Track
Park Management Track
One Duck Lagoon
Park Management Track
Pedestrian Path
Kangaroo Flats Station
Zamia Station
Pedestrian Path

The Bennett Brook Railway is a tourist oriented railway operated by the West Australian Light Railway Preservation Association and is located within the boundaries of Whiteman Park, nineteen kilometres from Perth. In 2009, the Bennett Brook Railway celebrated its 25th year of operation.



The West Australian Light Railway Preservation Association (WALRPA) was formed on 26 April 1976 by a group of rail enthusiasts. The railway started from small beginnings in a members backyard located in the Perth Hills to the present day fully fledged railway operation based in Whiteman Park.[1]


The railway operates passenger services during the following times:

Operating Time Note
Weekends & Public Holidays 11:00am to 4:00pm
W.A. School Holidays 11:00am to 3:00pm Monday-Friday during the holidays
Mid-Week 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm only Only Operating Wed & Thu

Held Biannually, the railway runs a Friends of Thomas the Tank Engine (FOTTE) Day [2], which sees most of volunteers, Locomotive & Steam Engines operating. This is usually held in May and September which sees the start and end of the railway's steam season.


September to may is fire season, diesel engines will operate all services.
May to September is steam season, steam engines will operate weekend services when available and diesel engines will operate all other services

These dates are approximate and are dependent on park conditions and approval

Steam Engines

Model Name Former Operator Condition Wheel arrangement Comments Coupler(s)
SAR NG15 123 Fremantle South African Rail Operational 2-8-2 Jones Couplers
SAR NG15 118 Elizabeth South African Rail Storage 2-8-2 Not Operational - Awaiting Overhaul Jones Couplers
Perry Betty Inkerman Sugar Mill, QLD Operational 0-4-2T Jones Couplers
Perry Marian Sugar Mill, QLD Maintenance 0-6-2T Overhaul in progress
O&K Mallet No. 3 Magnet Tramway, TAS Storage 0-4-4-0T Awaiting Restoration
Krauss Multiple. Previous - Western Machinery, WA Storage 0-4-0WT Awaiting Restoration Link and Pin

Large Diesel Locomotives

Model Name Former Operator Condition Wheel arrangement Comments Coupler(s)
1938 Planet Planet #1 Lake View and Star Gold Mine, WA Operational 0-4-0 Jones Couplers, Link and Pin
1968 Planet Planet #2 ? Restoration 0-4-0
Gemco Funkey PW27 Wyndham Wyndham Jetty, WA Maintenance 0-4-0 Gearbox Repair (Long term) Jones Couplers
Fowler #2 Rosalie Isis Sugar Mill, QLD Operational 0-6-0 Jones Couplers

Small Diesel Locomotives

Model Name Former Operator Condition Wheel arrangement Comments Couplers
Kless Ashley "The Big Orange", WA Operational 0-4-0 Link and Pin
Ruston Manjimup Mill, WA Operational Jones Couplers, Link and Pin
Maylands Maylands Brickworks, WA Maintenance Link and Pin
Yellow Rose Whiteman Brickworks, WA Maintenance Link and Pin
Ridley ? Storage Link and Pin
Ridley #2 ? Storage

Correct as at 7/3/2011

For more information, click here [1]

Carriages and Wagons

Passenger Carriages

Large Stock

All fitted with Jones Couplers

Class Number Original Class Original Operator Description Comments Entered Service
AQ 4745 QBB WAGR Fitted with window glazing and is concertina fitted at one end BBR Built on QBB Chasis. Part of Winter Stock. 1986
AQ 1788 QBB WAGR Mostly in original construction condition, no glazing of the windows. Rebuilt doors, concertina fitted at both ends BBR Built on QBB Chasis. Part of Winter Stock. 1986
AQB 2790 QBB WAGR Fitted With Guards Compartment (Brake instrument and Handbrake Wheel) BBR Built on QBB Chasis. Part of Winter Stock 1986
AV 3273 V WAGR Buffet/Party Car. Fitted with tables and seats, a Bar servery area and a Brake Instrument BBR Built on V Chasis 1989
AR 1638 R WAGR Wheelchair access. Fitted with "Roll Up" windows. Fitted with concertinas at both end. No fixed seating BBR Built on R Chasis. Part of Winter Stock ?
R 3644 R WAGR Fitted with Bus seats for passenger seating. "Drop" side doors modified for passenger access Part of Summer Stock ?
RP 1783 R WAGR Fitted with a Roof, Bus seats for passenger seating. "Drop" side doors modified for passenger access Part of Summer Stock ?
RP 4461 R WAGR Fitted with a Roof, Bus seats for passenger seating. "Drop" side doors modified for passenger access Reputed to be the only remaining example of a WAGR 4 Door R wagon. Part of Summer Stock ?

Small Stock

All fitted with Link and Pin Couplers

Designator Built from/on Description Comments Entered Service
C1 Maylands Clay Pit chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriadge Currently out of service and derelict in storage yard 1983
C2 Maylands Clay Pit chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriadge Currently out of service and derelict in storage yard 1983
C3 Maylands Clay Pit chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriadge Restored to operational service on a "Citra" chassis for BBR's 21st Birthday celebrations in 2005 1983
C4 Lake View and Star Goldmine Ore hopper Chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriadge Ran for 4 years, then scrapped. Access only available from platform side 1983
BV1 Lake View and Star Goldmine Ore hopper Chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Brake Carriage Fitted with Brake wheel in Guards Compartment. Still operational 1984
ALV11 Lake View and Star Goldmine Ore hopper Chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriage Still operational 1985
ALX12 Lake View and Star Goldmine Ore hopper Chassis 4 Wheel Passenger Carriage Still operational 1985
ADL101 Toast Rack Style Passenger Carriages Originally built in Harvey for the Big Orange Railway. Transported to BBR in 2004 on a long term loan agreement 2006
ADL102 Toast Rack Style Passenger Carriages Originally built in Harvey for the Big Orange Railway. Transported to BBR in 2004 on a long term loan agreement 2006
ADL103 Toast Rack Style Passenger Carriages Originally built in Harvey for the Big Orange Railway. Transported to BBR in 2004 on a long term loan agreement 2006

For more information, please visit the BBR Page

Freight/Industrial Wagons

All Wagons are fitted with Jones Couplers unless said otherwise.

Class Number Original Operator Description Comments
D 33 WAGR Covered Goods Van Restored, and reinstalled on LA Chasis
QBB 2889 WAGR Flat Wagon, used to carry heavy and often large loads about the railway
LA 23778 WAGR Ballast Hopper
JOA 12051 WAGR Distillate Fuel Tanker Used as a water tanker
J 11374 WAGR Water Tanker
V 3326 WAGR Goods Van
Z 63 WAGR Brake Van Replica Z wagon, built by BBR on an ex WAGR V Wagon (V3263) Chassis. Brake van on Summer Stock.
LV 8 Lake View and Star Goldmine Side dump ore hoppers Classified by the National Trust (WA). Link and Pin Coupler
LV 9 Lake View and Star Goldmine Side dump ore hoppers Classified by the National Trust (WA). Link and Pin Coupler

For more information, please Visit the BBR Pages [2][3]

External links

Further reading
